Food Pharmer aka Revant Himatsingka

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Revant Himatsinghka is popularly known as a Food Pharmer on social media, creating awareness about the food we consume daily. If you are on Instagram, you must have seen him talking about food brands. He posts reels on Instagram with a detailed explanation of the food label of a particular food product. 

If you are here you must have seen Food Pharmer videos or listened to him talking regarding the food brands. Something you should know about this man is that his real name is “Revant Himatsingka” and he graduated from the NYU Stern School of Business. He began his career in Finance, however, he left his job and rejected the IIM Banglore MBA offer. Do your mind raise a doubt ‘but WHY?’. Here is the answer Revant wanted to improve the thought process of India’s youth. 

Revant has launched his first book called “Selfenomics: A Humorous Philosophy on Indian Youth and Good Living,” a self-help comedy book. The book was published by Bloomsbury, and the book is divided into multiple chapters and one interesting chapter is about food labels. 

The journey as FOOD PHARMER


Food Pharmer

Revanth left his high paying job and returned to India to create an impact on the Indian youth. He started posting videos on Instagram telling the viewers how to read the food label back on the product and not fall into the trap of false marketing ( the brands promote their products as healthy, indeed the products don’t contain those healthy ingredients on the food label). 

“Reading the food label is more important than coding in the 21st century” – Revant Himatsinghka. You will understand this line more clearly by the end of the article.

Revanth grabbed the attention of people, and media when he posted a video on Bournvita, which is a children’s drink from Mondelez. In the video, he claimed if the children take Bournvita twice a day it will enhance the chances of getting diabetes, considering the amount of sugar and sugar substitutes in the drink. This is something of a big issue and the video went viral, Revant received a legal notice from Mondelez. He deleted the video because of the legal notice, although this helped him in getting more attention. 

People say when you do good, you will get the good. The same thing happened to Revanth, one of the leading doctor bodies, NAPi (Nutrition Advocacy in Public Interest) signed his document supporting him, and verified what he said in the video was accurate. The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights after 10 days sent Bournvita a notice seeking them to change their package. 

Revanth got support from the media channels and people, as he exposed Bournvita, and the outcome has resulted in Bournvita making changes to its product. 

The Food Pharmer says I am not against any brands or Bournvita, I am just against false marketing of any brand. 

“Reading the food label is more important than coding in the 21st century”


Revanth wanted to create an impact on youth, he can do that in many ways, but why did he choose food? 

He turned into a FOOD PHARMER because he believes food is a significant factor in everyone’s lives. And 60 – 70% of food is what shapes our health. In the current world, we eat and drink packaged food, which isn’t good for our health. Most of the packaged food brands are marketing themselves as healthy in reality they are just junk food. This kind of marketing and selling of unhealthy food as healthy food is happening in developing and undeveloped countries. 

Every day, numerous people die due to several reasons but the majority of the people are dying because of cancer and heart disease which is often caused by packaged, processed, stored food. Many people don’t even have an idea about this and rarely do people try to find the solution. 

This is the field where Revanth wanted to do something and create awareness, which eventually turned him into a FOOD PHARMER.

Food Pharmer’s words make people conscious of health choices. Through his content and explanation, he is questioning people’s choices of food brands, and items. He also posted videos about the biscuits, chocolates, Maggie, ketchup, etc. 

Revant Himatsingka succeeded in what he believed and brought the change he wanted to bring in India’s youth thinking process. Hoping he will continue to do his work to make India more healthy and let’s wish him the best of luck for his future. 

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